GibneyCE.com is a website dedicated to the proper care, planning and management of urban trees and public open spaces. According to information obtained from our readers, their job titles vary from landscape architects, arborists, horticulturists and city foresters, to consultants and utility foresters.
Most of our audience is located in major cities throughout the United States and Canada. However, we have unique visitors from all over the world such as Great Britain, Singapore, China, and Hong Kong.
Articles relate the latest information on research, urban trees, landscape architecture, water management and conservation, urban forestry operations and education, equipment and trends that are occurring in various locations around the USA and internationally. All of our sponsors are directly related to the urban tree community, management in the green industry and landscape architecture.
Articles written for GibneyCE.com can be from a presentation at a conference or describing a project or municipal operation that you are very familiar with. Articles can describe something that you feel would be of interest to other professionals. It is important that articles are objective and educational in nature. Intelligent subjective opinions and comments are allowable if generic in nature. No proprietary products or services are to be endorsed or promoted. Case studies, third party comparisons of methods and lists of available products may be acceptable subject to review by the GibneyCE.com editors. If you have any questions about the content of an article please contact us.
GibneyCE will accept articles relevant to ISA Certified Arborist and Landscape Architecture continuing education credits on the following terms:
The proposed article can be approximately 1000 words in length or longer. It should describe the project/operation, its history, budget, physical dimensions and any special programs involved, etc. We especially like to include innovative ideas. Please include a one-sentence biography of yourself at the end of your article. Write the article as if you were describing the subject to a friend or colleague keeping it chronological, clear, accurate and simple. Describe who, what, where, why, when and how.
ISA will grant authors 3 one-time continuing education credits for articles in accordance with their regulations. After the article is approved by ISA the author must submit a Post-Approval Request form to ISA at
cert@isa-arbor.com to receive credits.
Arborist articles should be sent electronically to Len Phillips at lenphillips@yahoo.com and LA articles should be sent to Richard Gibney at richard@gibneyce.com. Please email articles as a Word Document attachment. While LA articles do not have a specific deadline for submission, the due dates for submission of arborist articles are as follows:
January – March Seminar Due: November 1st April – June Seminar Due: February 1st
July – September Seminar Due: May 1st October – December Seminar Due: August 1st
GibneyCE.com reserves the right to reject articles at our discretion.
GibneyCE.com is a website dedicated to the proper care, planning and management of urban trees and public open spaces. According to information obtained from our readers, their job titles vary from landscape architects, arborists, horticulturists and city foresters, to consultants and utility foresters.
Most of our audience is located in major cities throughout the United States and Canada. However, we have unique visitors from all over the world such as Great Britain, Singapore, China, and Hong Kong.
Articles relate the latest information on research, urban trees, landscape architecture, water management and conservation, urban forestry operations and education, equipment and trends that are occurring in various locations around the USA and internationally. All of our sponsors are directly related to the urban tree community, management in the green industry and landscape architecture.
Articles written for GibneyCE.com can be from a presentation at a conference or describing a project or municipal operation that you are very familiar with. Articles can describe something that you feel would be of interest to other professionals. It is important that articles are objective and educational in nature. Intelligent subjective opinions and comments are allowable if generic in nature. No proprietary products or services are to be endorsed or promoted. Case studies, third party comparisons of methods and lists of available products may be acceptable subject to review by the GibneyCE.com editors. If you have any questions about the content of an article please contact us.
GibneyCE will accept articles relevant to ISA Certified Arborist and Landscape Architecture continuing education credits on the following terms:
- Articles must have an educational component with learning objectives.
- Authors must be experts in the field with professional standing, academic credentials and/or experience established and recognized among peers.
- Articles must be generic in nature with no proprietary or promotional implications other than naming a patented product used in a case study or comparing products of various manufacturers with impartial data.
- If photos are included, they must be in high resolution jpeg or tiff format.
- Links to company websites shall not be included within the article.
- Authors that represent a company will have that fact indicated in the biography sentence at the end of the article. Website links can be included in the Source line for Sponsors of our site and at our discretion.
The proposed article can be approximately 1000 words in length or longer. It should describe the project/operation, its history, budget, physical dimensions and any special programs involved, etc. We especially like to include innovative ideas. Please include a one-sentence biography of yourself at the end of your article. Write the article as if you were describing the subject to a friend or colleague keeping it chronological, clear, accurate and simple. Describe who, what, where, why, when and how.
ISA will grant authors 3 one-time continuing education credits for articles in accordance with their regulations. After the article is approved by ISA the author must submit a Post-Approval Request form to ISA at
cert@isa-arbor.com to receive credits.
Arborist articles should be sent electronically to Len Phillips at lenphillips@yahoo.com and LA articles should be sent to Richard Gibney at richard@gibneyce.com. Please email articles as a Word Document attachment. While LA articles do not have a specific deadline for submission, the due dates for submission of arborist articles are as follows:
January – March Seminar Due: November 1st April – June Seminar Due: February 1st
July – September Seminar Due: May 1st October – December Seminar Due: August 1st
GibneyCE.com reserves the right to reject articles at our discretion.